Friday, 21 February 2020

Study Task 3 - Networking

We have been instructed to update and find professionals in the world of animation through LinkedIn. I decided to use my email that is associated with my art Instagram account, as I intend to use this email when applying for creative jobs, taking commissions, etc.

I used the same picture I use for all my social media and my website, to keep my brand consistent.

My LinkedIn profile

I have also made a few professional connections; animation studios in both in Cornwall and the West Yorkshire area as well as professional character designers and storyboard artists.

12 Networking Events that I could possibly attend.

These are some of the festivals that I could attend as they are either in Leeds or are close by that I will be able to visit.

Manchester Animation Festival
Thought Bubble
Leeds International Film Festival
Bradford Animation Festival
Leeds Young Film Festivals

And here are some international or more expensive festivals that I would like to attend someday:

Cardiff Animation Festival
London International Animation Festival
Raindance Film Festival
Anima: Brussels Animation Film Festival
Animex International Festival of Animation and Computer Games
Britsh Animation Awards
Bradford Animation Festival
Edinburgh Animation Festival 

Here is a list of people who I have tried to make contact with on LinkedIn:

Jason Robbins 

Studio Director at Engine House (Animation Studio in Truro, Cornwall)

Mike Richter  

Director at Engine House 

Natasha Price 

Producer at Engine House Animation Studio
Truro, United Kingdom

1st degree connection

Tim Birks  
Senior Character Animator at Doodle Productions (Animation Studio in Birmingham)

Katie Gascoyne 2nd degree connection 2nd

Recruitment and Talent Coordinator at Blue-zoo Animation Studio & Community Manager at AnimDojo
London, United Kingdom

Jez Hall 2nd degree connection 2nd

Director at Blue-Zoo Animation Studio
Guildford, United Kingdom

Fernanda Valverde 2nd degree connection 2nd

2d Lead animator at Blue-Zoo Animation Studio
United Kingdom

Matthew Tea 2nd degree connection 2nd

Director at Blue-Zoo Animation Studio
London, United Kingdom

ChloĆ© Deneuve 2nd degree connection 2nd

Character Animator
United Kingdom

Sam Potter 1st degree connection 1st

Lead Animator at Blue-Zoo Animation Studio
United Kingdom

  • Alex Thomas
  •  1st degree connection

Freelance Storyboard Artist/2D Animator

  • Antonio Stappaerts
  •  1st degree connection

Freelance Concept Artist & Illustrator

Wednesday, 19 February 2020

Study Task 4: Exit Strategy

The first year out of University will be tough and unpredictable,  I am wanting to work for studios so I can gain experience and connections in the animation world, then start pitching my own animated tv series in the far future. I have a clear check list of things I need to do before and after I graduate:

1. Search for jobs, internships and opportunities in the Yorkshire, Manchester and Nottingham area.
2. Look in to housing in previously stated areas.
3. Create a website/online portfolio.
4. Update/rewrite CV.
5. Look into self-employment options.
6. Set up commissions prices and slots.
7. Look into online shops or way to sell art online to get passive income.

Wednesday, 5 February 2020

Study Task 2: Scan the Horizon

1. Where do you would like to work, short or long term?

I would initially like to work in a professional animation studio either as a runner or a junior animator, then work my way up into either a character designer or storyboard artist role. I would like to work in a studio environment for at least 5 years then hopefully move on to freelance work.

2. What do you know about your dream role?

I know that you cannot just jump straight into the role straight from uni (or that it is very unlikely that it will happen). As I stated previously I want to get my foot in the door in regards to animation. I understand that I need to have a good relationship with a studio or be known in the industry for my skills. I also need to improve my portfolio regularly and make sure that I make it diverse and appealing to improve my chances of getting my dream role.

Character designers outside of London make a starting wage of £27,000 and can progress to £34,000, however, this all depends on the studio and on the project.

3. Who do you know that might help you get that foot in the door?

I have met people at some networking events (art festivals and animation festivals) and I have managed to get some business cards of some people, however, I do need to find more people to network with and keep those connections, which will help me obtain a job.

4. Networking opportunities based upon where you want to work?

As I will be in the Yorkshire area after Uni, I want to attend Thought Bubble and Manchester Animation Festival again as they were both very eye-opening and was a great way to find out what was going on in the animation world. During my time in university, I want to attend the Leeds Young Film Festival, as there is always animation featured and visiting industry professionals.

5. Anything else that may be related to your moving on from LAU?

I am planning on staying in the Leeds area, so I am wanting to find work in the Yorkshire area, however, I am aware that I might have to commute to Manchester, York or further in order to get the studio work I initially want. I also have plans in the far future to eventually move back to Cornwall: I am aware that there are some animation studios that I could apply for but I am hoping when I get to that stage in my life I will be a freelancer.